A lovely jade green soup that’s quick and easy to make. It can also be served chilled like its sorrel-based East European cousin, schav. As a child, Evelyn Rose used to help her Latvian-born grandmother forage for wild sorrel on the local golf course. If you happen to have some growing in your garden or come across it in a shop, mix a handful with the rocket or spinach.

It’s packed with fibre and vitamins, great for healthy skin, energy, and immunity. Crunchy pine nuts, which are rich in heart- healthy monounsaturated fat, add a delicious finishing touch and can be toasted several days ahead.

Serves: 6-8
Keeps: 3 days in the fridge Freeze: 3 months
Per serving: 135 cals, 16 g carbs

1 large onion
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
850 ml (1 1⁄2 pints) strong vegetable stock
450 g (1 lb) frozen petits pois 1⁄2 -1 tsp fine sea salt
1 small bunch fresh mint
225 g (8 oz) wild rocket or baby spinach
3 tbsp pine nuts
10 grinds black pepper

Finely chop the onion. Heat the olive oil and onion in a soup pan with a pinch of salt, and cook gently, covered, for 8-10 minutes, until soft and golden, stirring occasionally. Add the stock, peas, and salt, bring to the boil and cook, covered, until the peas are tender, about 5 minutes.

Remove the coarse stalks from the mint and set aside a few sprigs for serving. Add the rocket or spinach and mint to the pan, then simmer for 3 minutes, uncovered to preserve the lovely green colour. Purée in a blender until absolutely smooth (a food processor also works but the texture won’t be quite so creamy). If possible, leave the soup to cool for half an hour or so for the flavour to develop.

Toast the pine nuts in an empty non-stick pan over gentle heat, shaking often, until golden on all sides, 3-5 minutes or on a baking sheet in the oven at 180°C/Gas 4 for 10 minutes, shaking the baking sheet halfway through.

To serve hot, bring the soup back to a simmer, add the black pepper, then taste and re-season,

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