Emerald Shakshuka

A vibrant, vitamin-packed twist on the more typical tomato-based shakshuka. Almost any mix of greens will do – in the Middle East they use wild greens and radish leaves. We like a mixture of baby spinach and Swiss chard with lots of fresh herbs.

Serves: 4
Eat freshly made
Per serving: 195 cals, 9 g carbs

white part of a medium leek
2 fat spring onions
1-2 jalapeños or green chillies
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil generous nut of butter
3 cloves garlic
150 g pack baby spinach
200 g (7 oz) Swiss chard, shredded kale,
or young beetroot tops
1⁄2 tsp fine sea salt
10 grinds black pepper
4 tbsp frozen petits pois or peas
1 tsp cornflour
2 tbsp vegetable stock or water
4 free range eggs

To serve
100 g (3 oz) crumbled feta
10 grinds black pepper
fresh dill, thyme, or oregano
1⁄2 tsp sumac
extra virgin olive oil
Aleppo pepper or chilli flakes

Trim and thinly slice the leeks, spring onions and jalapeños. Heat the oil and butter in a medium non-stick or cast iron frying pan. Add the leeks, white part of the spring onions, jalapeño, and a pinch of salt. Crush the peeled garlic in a press and add to the pan. Cover and cook gently for 5-8 minutes over medium heat until the vegetables are soft.

Gradually add the greens – as they wilt, they’ll all fit in the pan – then sprinkle lightly with salt to preserve their vivid colour. Cook for 2-3 minutes, then add the peas and the green part of the spring onions. Mix the cornflour with the water or stock and stir it into the vegetables. Simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes or until the greens are tender. The mixture can now be left at room temperature for up to 2 hours.

Make 4-6 small wells in the simmering sauce. Crack the eggs into a small cup then carefully tip each one into a well, then season lightly with salt and black pepper.

Cover the pan and poach gently until the eggs are just set, 5 minutes (they will continue to cook off the heat).

Sprinkle with the feta, sumac and snipped fresh herbs, and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. Serve with warm flatbread (see page 66) or pita, and a tiny bowl of Aleppo pepper or chilli flakes for those who like a bit of extra heat.

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