A beautifully illustrated healthy eating book, with a wonderful selection of kosher recipes. All the medical advice at the back of the book is a real bonus.
Amazon ★★★★★
The words "Healthy" and "Jewish food" aren't often mentioned in the same sentence. But food writer Judi Rose, daughter of the ground-breaking Jewish cookery writer and author, Evelyn Rose, MBE, and Dr Jackie Rose, a GP nutritionist are out to change that.

Judi and Jackie, who are cousins, have been working together for over five years, adapting classic and contemporary Jewish recipes from around the world with ingredients from the Israeli kibbutz or Mediterraean-style diet.

To LIFE! combines over 100 delicious recipes with cooking tips, advice on ingredients and their properties and Dr Jackie's Guide to Health and Happiness, an indepth explanation at the relationship between food and wellbeing. Although written before the COVID crisis, contains easy to follow advice on what to eat for immunity and disease prevention.
Designed by award-winning creative director, Pene Parker of The Roasting Tin series, To LIFE! is filled with stunning photographs by Marc Gerstein and original illustrations by award-winning artist, Grace Helmer.